Programs offered by Gastronomy Innovation Campus Tokyo

Gastronomy Innovation Campus Tokyo (GIC Tokyo) will offer a curriculum developed and provided in collaboration with the Basque Culinary Center and the Gastronomy Open Ecosystem (a next-generation education and business co-creation platform). The first course is planned to launch in November in 2024, and then every three months in 2025.


To create innovations that contribute to solving social issues related to food, and to train and produce specialists.

ParticipationCorporations, Scientists
Date/TimeNovember 12 & 14~19, 2024 (Application is CLOSED)
Date/TimeNovember 12 (Application is CLOSED)
Event Type対面
PlaceGastronomy Innovation Campus Tokyo
OrganizerTokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
FeePlease contact us for details.
